Game 279: Month 14
The Never Ending War
Arthur is a patient liege. Inch by inch, Germania was being wrested from Teuton control. Yet another village, Cristinhalm switched allegiance to the Celts. It was only a matter of time before the Teutons would become a non factor.
The Celtic agent corps suffered a serious blow. Agent Zed started a fire in Teutoburger and could not escape the blaze. Teuton sentries captured and interrogated him. Zendafor the Black suffered a similar fate in Koln while performing a routine reconnaissance. After being discovered he bravely fought off the city militia, killing many and making his way to the gates before finally being brought down. Despite the setbacks, the pride of the Celtic espionage corps, agents Hush and Mouse disabled all gates in the town of Agrippina, leaving it wide open for our legions to assault. One more piece of the Germanian puzzle will belong the the Celts, and not a moment too soon.
The region of Viennensis has raised the Visigoths banner. We have not received word from the Vandals, but the loss of their homeland does not bode well.
Turn 14 Planning
The campaign in Germania is progressing. We must keep up the pressure.
Political Plans
- Arthur increases influence again
- Governor Krassis will stir unrest in Teutoburger, and Duke Mac Cekt will incite rebellion.
- Count Connacht will usurp control of Prexi. The Saxons legion Python arrived at the village, but they will stay outside its boundaries.
- Governor Malcor relocate to Agrippina
- It's time once again to poll the people of Armorica regarding the Franks
- Hire a new governor in Nantes to defend against a political invasion
Military Plans
- Pheonix will threaten the town of Agrippina. After two successful sabotages of the town walls, the citizens of the town should be ready to change allegiance.
- Ross the Red will train General Gainor
- Unicorn will move to Agrippina and merge with Pheonix
Covert Plans
- Agent Hush will create a diversion in Teutoburger to cover Mouse as he attempts to assassinate Baron Chilperic of the Teutons. Success here will ensure Duke Mac Cekt's mission.
- Garga the Sublime and Kelvin Greentooth will create diversions in an attempt to gain a level
- Hire a new agent in Cristinhalm, Germania, to keep an eye on the Teutons
- Dirk will recon Teutoburger to ensure the Teuton does not relocate another noble to the fortress.
Additional Plans
- Priestess Maximini will heal Unicorn
- Build taverns in Cenabum and Agrippina – it's time to enlarge the Celtic military