Sunday, January 01, 2006

Game 279: Month 15

A Turning Point
Rome is in turmoil. Pannonia, the stronghold of Atilla and his Huns, has fallen neutral. King Childeric of the Thuringians is on his deathbed, and we have no heard nothing to explain it. Our non aggression pact with the Franks has expired, and no one can grant me an audience with their liege to extend it. Our agents have detected a Frank army camped outside the Saxon town of Agincort is southwest Belgica, just a short march from Armorica. Arthur's sleep has been troubled indeed.

Fortunately, the war goes well in Germania. Agrippina conceeded to Pheonix's demands and have raised the Celtic banner. Duke Mac Cekt stirred the people of Teutoburger to rebellion, and they have renounced their Teuton overlords. Count Connacht convinced the council of Prexi to proclaim fealty to Arthur. The Celtic underworld continues to stimey the Teuton militia. All of our covert actions were all successful – Hush's diversion, Mouse's assassination of the baron and Dirk's recon of Teutoburger were all completed without incident. The diversions by Kelvin Greentooth and Garga the Sublime were also successful, and both gained a level of proficiency.

Turn 15 Planning
We now have to prepare for the possibility of a war on two fronts. Our NAP with the Franks has expired, and I have not heard from their liege. The Teutons are still holding on in Germania, and they will not lie down without a fight. This turn will be all about keeping ahead of the Teutons while preparing for an assault on Aquitania. There will be many tough choices to make – where to assign nobles, agents, soldiers and resources. It's going to be an interesting few turns.

Political Plans
- Our NAP with the Franks has ended – Arthur will enamor Aquitania to prepare for a potential battle with our southern neighbors
- Governor Krassis will stir unrest in Teutoburger and Duke Mac Cekt will usurp control
- The town of Vindon was just rebelled – likely by the Teuton. Newly hired agent Max the Black will recon the town – Governor Malcor and Count Connacht will relocate there
- Hire a Governor in Duroco, in south central Armorica – he will be positioned to move into Aquitania or defend in Armorica
- Hire Governor in Teutoburger – he can stay and maintain status quo after Mac Cekt leaves

Military Plans
- Centurion Scripio recruits a brigade of Heruli from Cenabum. It is more expensive for Scripio to take on this action since he is below the rank of Tribune, however Arthur, the only other ranking leader, is already occupied. Our economy can support the extra brigade, and the extra defense on Cenabum will help if the Franks invade. We select Heruli as they are cheaper to maintain, and are composed of infantry and archers – better for combat in cities
- General Kalanis recruits a brigade of Heruli from Agrippina – they are preparing to storm Koln
- Warlord Ross the Red trains Commandor Gainor
- Pheonix will rest outside Agrippina – this will increase the morale of five of the brigades (the other brigades already have a morale higher than 120.

Covert Plans
- Train Garga the sublime, Arthur's bodyguard
- Dirk recons the city of Koln
- Mouse will counter espionage – see if any enemy agents attempt anything in Pheonix
- Train agent Hush

Additional Plans
- Rhiannon will divine pop centers in Aquitania – if the Franks decide to invade, we will be ready to counter attack
- Maximini will heal Pheonix
- trade 50,000 supplies for 135,000 gold – take advantage of the exchange rate, and cover the amount of gold we have spent with this month's actions


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