Friday, December 02, 2005

Game 279: Month 6


The air in Armorica was thick with anticipation. Celtic nobles resided in small Belgican villages, completely out of their element in the rustic, though friendly, surroundings. Marshall Eber Donn regaled the men during their march through the region with tales of defeating Cerberus, the three headed hound of hell, and claiming the Ekkisax. His tales roused the men; their feet grew lighter, and they marched with their heads held high, dreaming of the glory to come.

King Arthur's council chambers buzzed as he played host to emissaries from across Rome. He struck a non-aggression pact with the Vandals, who had finally taken control of their homeland, Viennensis. We also played host to a stream of messengers from King Vortigern, lord of the Saxons. After several weeks of planning, and months of preparation, it was time to free Germania from the yoke of the dreadful Teutons.

Turn 6 Planning

It is time to launch our strike into Germania. After consulting with the Saxons, we decided the Celts would focus on capturing the city of Koln. King Vortigern was bound by a non aggression pact to stay out of Germania for another month. We Celts would be the vanguard of the invasion.

Political Plans

  • The people of Germania are already well disposed to King Arthur and the Celts. Arthur dedicates himself to increasing his influence.

  • Prince Ambrosius, Duke Mac Cekt, Count Connacht and Baron Aed Ruad all relocate to Koln – the city will fall next turn - O'Rork Ledbelly relocates to the city to play bodyguard. Agent Zed attempts a diversion to try and slip the nobles in quietly. Dirk recons the city, to learn who else is present.

  • Relocate governor Cimbraeth to a town in eastern Germania. With our regional reaction and influence, he should be able to rebel a town.

  • Hire a new governor in our village along the Germanian border

Military Plans

  • Titan moves to a reported village on the western border of Germania

  • Pegasus moves deep into central Belgica. Hopefully next turn the two legions will be able to combine on a western town in Germania

  • Our senior leaders will train the more junior in preparation for the battles to come

Covert Plans

  • Agents Mouse and Hush train for one more month – next turn they will be unleashed to deal with whatever agent Dirk finds in Koln.


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