Saturday, November 26, 2005

Game 279: Month 4

Eastward Bound

With Armorica loyal to Arthur, it was time to march against the Teutons and free Germania from their grasp. Our allies the Saxons conveyed the location of several towns and villages in Belgica that would play host to our nobility as they traveled through that region. Titan journey through the Saxon homeland was delayed. Our finest leaders braved the stronghold of a Giant – a man three meters tall. Several of the men were seriously wounded, and we lost Centurion Mac Torin. After the grueling battle, Ross the Red, newly promoted to Marshal, was in possession of Dragon Slayer, a Norse sword that once belonged to Beowulf.

Elsewhere in Rome, the Thuringians subdued the central region of Raetia. Rumor has it the Franks of Aquitania began an invasion of the traditional Vandal stronghold of Viennensis. Arthur's treaties with the Frank kingdom prevent him from interfering in this invasion, and he is true to his word. The Celtic forces will be deployed to Germania.

Turn 4 Planning

It is currently quiet in Armorica. All neighboring kingdoms are friendly. This turn will be devoted to building our economy to support the coming war, and moving our people into position.

Political Plans

  • Arthur will once again shower the people of Germania with gifts, which will increase his regional reaction there

  • Prince Ambrosius, Duke Mac Cekt, Count Connact, Baron Aed Ruad and Governor Cimbraeth move to pop centers in Belgica. Agents Zed and Dirk are assigned as bodyguards.

Military Plans

  • Titan will remain camped outside the unusual sighting where the Ekkisax is located

Covert Plans

  • Mouse and Hush will once again undergo training.

  • O'rork Ledbelly will create a diversion in Koln. The previous one was successful, hopefully he will be able to gain another level.

Additional Plans

  • Rhiannon will once again Heal the legion of Titan. This is risky, as she is weary from the last month's attempt to heal. I feel the risk is worth it however – we need to ensure Marshal Ross the Red is healthy to investigate the sighting next turn.

  • I was going to build watchtower in Cennabum. It would notify us whenever enemy nobles arrive. Considering the NAPs we have with our neighboring kingdoms, it is better to spend the money on a market now, and purchase the watchtower later. This way I accumulate the extra gold & supplies. Two additional brigades are scheduled to arrive at our capital next turn, and I want to ensure a robust economy to help pay for their maitenance

  • construct a mill in the village of Seabreeze (where our storehouses are). It grants a bonus to storehouses in addition to the benefits of the mill itself

  • Build storehouses in Questor

  • After all the construction, we have used up more supplies than we had stored. It is time to take advantage of the global trade discrepancy in supplies. I trade 1000 gold for 1800 supplies.


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