Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Team Game is Underway

It's been some time since I've posted an After Action Report, so I thought I'd start publishing some development updates.

I am currently working on adding teamplay capabilities to Fall of Rome. This variant will enable players to choose up to two allies and declare an unlimited number of enemies over the course of a game. Kingdoms can trade resources and intelligence with their allies, and declared enemies suffer political and military penalties when attacking.

I have just finished updating the rules header and game archives to support the team game option. This was a big step, and I now have a much better grasp of how the Fall of Rome Archive system works. It's quite simple, but it took a couple attempts before I got it right.

The hardest part of development so far has been adding unit tests. It took 25 tests just to ensure the basic rules header was being loaded correctly. Much of the code was written without testability in mind, so it adds to the challenge. I'm sure many of the posts to come will deal with bringing the game under test.


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