Monday, October 30, 2006

Team Game Testing

It's official - the first Fall of Rome team game test has been started. The lineup consists of:

Ry Vor: Alamanni, Teuton, Ostrogoth
Lord Thanatos: Norse, Huns, Visigoth
Lord Diamond: Celts, Franks, Lombards
Hurtmeplease: Saxons, Thuringians, Vandals

I am sure these fine lords will be able to offer amazing feedback to make the Fall of Rome team variant even better.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Expanding Trade

Allies in the Fall of Rome team game now have the option to trade gold and supplies with their allies. This will allow players to fund wars in distant lands, or save their allies from economic ruin. It's certainly going to add a new element of strategy to the game, making it that much harder to cut off an opponent's supply lines.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Declared Enemies

When a player declares an enemy, the following bonuses now come into effect:

1) All brigades of the declared enemy in a legion that is located at the end of the turn in a region controlled by his enemy, loses 4 points of morale.
2) All PC’s gain 10 points of “Maintain Status Quo” when an enemy attempts to Stir Unrest, Incite Rebellion, or Usurp Control.
3) PC’s, when attacked by a declared enemy, gain 10%, instead of a random plus or minus to their defensive strength, as in other cases. So a PC with a defensive value of 10,000 would be treated as having 11,000 when attacked by a declared enemy.

This will make it easier to defend your homeland against invaders.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sharing Intelligence

Fall of Rome team games allow allies to share intelligence with one another. If the Alamanni and Celts were allied, the Celt player might see something like this:

As you can see, all of Gaul has been revealed to the Celt player.

The only question is where should the button for sharing intelligence be placed in the UI. The KingdomsViewPage, where the declarations are currently shown, is already quite full:

Any suggestions?